Monday, October 19, 2015

October - Stress and the CRC

 I was never good at the whole “school” thing. It’s taken me 7 years, 4 colleges, and 3 different majors to finally end up at KSU (where I will blessedly be graduating from next year #finally).  It’s taken so long because well… college has always been sort of scary for me. I have a history of getting overwhelmed- by the curriculum, the masses of young students, the expectation that a degree will lead to something fabulous once I get into the “real world.” I can easily send myself into an existential crisis just standing in The Commons looking around at everyone.  All these people, the potential, and jittery need to excel sort of smothers me. It’s one of the reasons I started abusing drugs and alcohol in my early twenties. And ironically, the addiction that I used to alleviate anxiety from school ended up keeping me from graduating on time.
            In order to successfully complete school sober, I needed support. Becoming a member of the CRC has helped immensely in managing academic stress. In the vast expanse of the student body, there is a community of people who are trying to get through their education not just sober, but happy. I am the kind of person that puts headphones on the moment I step onto campus and can have them in the entire day except during class (admittedly, sometimes in class too). I go an entire school day sometimes without any human interaction.  Which is fine on the good days, but when I’m losing my s**t over an exam or just need a hug and a good meeting I know I have a place to go. Between classes I can duck in for a quick (much needed) cup of coffee, access the free printing (which is better than someone giving you free kittens or a Unicorn), or just lie on some beanbags and organize my thoughts.

            The best part is that I now have access to a group of people that know exactly what I’m going through and can offer a little caffeinated comfort when I really need it. There are advisors and counselors with open doors. There are meetings almost every day and seminars in between. And did I mention free printing? I wish I had a CRC my first year of college, way back before my addiction took control of my life. But for now, I am grateful for the community I am apart of.  The sense of camaraderie between us, with all of our different stories and personalities is really nice to have. Somehow college this time around seems a little less terrifying.  

Contributed by K.M.

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